Schooled (film)

Schooled is a 2007 American independent drama film, written and directed by Brooks Elms, and produced by Brian Hennessy and Lorenda Starfelt. The film follows a traditional East Coast school teacher Daniel Kucan, who becomes involved with a nontraditional, alternative school in California, which leads to significant changes in his personal philosophy and lifestyle. The film costars Alysia Reiner, and was coedited by Frederick Marx, the writerproducercoeditor of the 1994 documentary Hoop Dreams.

Schooled premiered at the Method Fest Independent Film Festival in Calabasas, California, where it was nominated for Best Ensemble Cast. According to the Alternative Education Resource Organization, the film stormed education conferences around the globe including New York, San Francisco, Dallas, and Sydney, Australia. Schooled was also featured at the 2008 European Democratic Education Conference. The film had its East Coast premiere at the Queens International Film Festival.In his lengthy online review of the film at DVDtalk, Chris Nielson harshly criticizes Schooleds lowbudget production values, while at the same time exploring writerdirector Brooks Elms various themes regarding democratic schools. According to a press release for the film, Schooled writerdirector Brooks Elms studied film at New York University, where he received the Warner Bros. Production Grant, the NYU Film Fest Screenplay Award, and the Steven J. Ross Filmmakers Grant from the Hamptons Film Festival. ........

Source: Wikipedia